In School/College INSET | Page 26 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Effective Strategies for Teaching GCSE French

Teachers will be invited to explore and discuss specific strategies for developing the 4 linguistic skills.

We will look how best to prepare students for the controlled assessments, without allowing these to "hijack" the teaching and learning process.

We will look at a range of strategies for developing students' study skills , and raise their awareness of how to change Ds into Cs and As into A*s. We will consider effective ways to teach grammar and how to help students of all abilities to extend their range and vocabulary.

Effective Strategies for Teaching Gifted and Talented students in Modern Languages, from KS3 to KS5

The aim of the course is to help teachers improve their knowledge - and to discuss essential aspects of - the provision for Gifted and Talented students as well as to look at some practical examples for effective differentiation. Examples and practical materials will be provided.

A questionnaire will be sent so as to inform the course leader about the teaching circumstances of each attendee.

N.B The KS5 sessions will run if there are sufficient delegates for whom this is relevant.

Essential ICT Powertools for MFL Teachers: Hands-on course suitable for all phases

Powertools get the job done quickly, effectively and with a minimum of hassle, if only you knew which tools to choose! This HANDS-ON course will guide you to the most effective sites and applications available for free and show you how to use them. ICT Powertools will enable you to motivate and enthuse students, enabling them to understand structures and retain vocabulary through engaging, fun multimedia activities.

Expert in a day: iPads/tablets in the MFL classroom

iPads and tablets are powerful tools to excite and engage students,
and get them doing more of the work more of the time! In one day
you will learn how to use a carefully selected range of functions,
sites and apps, which will provide a whole new dimension to your
department’s teaching and revitalise your Schemes of Work.
This course is aimed at Secondary/FE MFL teachers relatively new

Fifty Top Tips for Language Teachers: A Day of Ideas, Inspiration & Guidance

This one-day course is intended for any modern languages teachers who are seeking fresh ideas and inspiration and looking for practical strategies to inspire pupils, increase their motivation and raise their achievement in the classroom. It will be useful for NQTs and those in the early years of their career as well as for more experienced colleagues who wish to update their skills and ideas - and extend their repertoire of classroom techniques.

From Experienced to Expert MFL Teacher: Enabling and Encouraging All Language Learners to Make Exceptional Progress

Most teachers develop their skills significantly during their first few years in the classroom, then reach a plateau. How can MFL teachers go from strength to strength and ensure that their pupils consistantly achieve their very best.

This course will explore what distinguishes expert MFL teachers from other colleagues. It will identify ways in which the best MFL teachers constantly challenge pupils across the ability range to make excellent progress, whilst simultaneously equipping learners with the language-learning tools to succeed.

GCSE MFL and Controlled Assessment: Practical Guidance from Examiners - A National Conference

Changes in assessment requirements have brought new demands for MFL departments. Teachers of GCSE French, German and Spanish are at the forefront of ensuring that all controlled assessment is carried out in line with JCQ and awarding body guidelines whilst at the same time enhancing the language learning experience for their students.

GCSE MFL and Controlled Assessments in MFL: Maximising Achievement for Your Students

Changes in assessment requirements have brought new demands for MFL departments. Teachers of GCSE French, German and Spanish are at the forefront of ensuring that all controlled assessment is carried out in line with JCQ and awarding body guidelines, whilst at the same time enhancing the language learning experience for their students.

GCSE Modern Foreign Languages Preparing for the New GCSE exam: a day of Expert Advice and Practical help

This one-day workshop is intended for all teachers of French, German
and Spanish - from Heads of Department to NQTs who are keen to
sharpen their preparation for the new examination scheduled for
Summer 2018.

Aims of the course are to:

Getting Better Grades at GCSE MFL (French German & Spanish)


* The current requirements and the new requirements from 2009
* Which board is best for you?
* An early start to exam preparation
* How to get difficult, average and above average students to perform
* UMS - making it work for you
* Tactics in Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
* What it takes to get a C, B, A, A* - examples of work at all levels
* Coping with grammar

How to Get more A*s in MFL GCSE in French, German or Spanish

This course is designed for teachers who teach able students in either a setted or mixed-ability situation or who teach in the independent sector. It will focus on classroom techniques for stretching able pupils and examination technique to ensure the A* grade.

The tutor is an experienced senior examiner and classroom practitioner who will present you with a folder of materials in French, German and Spanish which will be of immediate benefit in the classroom.

How to make MFL accessible to Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Teachers and teaching assistants aiming to make MFL lessons more accessible for students with special educational needs will benefit greatly from this course. An overview of the range of needs of SEN students will be given and strategies offered for adapting MFL lessons to address these needs.

Inputs will include: Language Acquisition; A controlled core of language; Multi-sensory input; Variety of learning styles; Small steps progression.

How to make MFL accessible to Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Special Needs & Schools

This course will enable teachers and assistants to make learning a new language a successful and enjoyable experience for pupils who have special educational needs, but who do not have severe learning difficulties.

Improving Speaking Skills in the MFL Classroom: A Practical Approach to Improve Spontaneity and Fluency

The development of speaking skills in MFL continues to be a key focus for secondary schools. Encouraging the spontaneous use of language in the classroom and group discussions in the target language are both critical in the drive to improve pupils' oral skills. Group Talk is a language learning project which develops pupils' ability to take part in authentic minidiscussions and debates in the target language. Its impact on learning has been significant and, in 2008, it gained a European Award for Languages and the Mary Glasgow Award.

Join the Revolution: thinking differently about your MFL Scheme of Work

In light of the new KS3 curriculum departments have the opportunity to explore their creativity. However, the concept of moving away from the text book can be a scary proposition. This course will outline a range of effective practices to explore in order to develop content with other departments to extend the scope of languages across the entire school. The tutor will look at ways to introduce a range of ICT tools to enhance learning based on pedagogy rather than whim and of finding new ways to make your pupils proud of their work.

KS2-KS3 MFL: Practical Strategies to Ensure Progression

The introduction of languages into the primary curriculum has opened a great opportunity for languages to be promoted on a wider stage. However, for secondary MFL departments there are far reaching implications of this initiative - progression, methodology, assessment and motivation.

This one-day course will offer delegates practical guidance on bridging the gap and ensuring progression between KS2 and KS3 MFL. It will outline up to date developments and will offer good practice in how to address the issues of continuity and progression.

Memory Activities for the MFL classroom

Memory underpins every aspect of successful language learning.
Learners depend on their memories both to interpret spoken and
written texts, and to speak and write effectively. Without memory
they also have no means of developing in these skills.

MFL Coursework: How to Improve Coursework and Achieve Better Grades

An experienced examiner and practitioner will give insight into how best to elicit quality coursework from your students: the more able, the average and the less able. At the end of the course, delegates will have insight into how best to prepare each piece, how to choose appropriate titles, how to mark and how to get better overall grades

MFL for New and Recently Qualified (First, Second or Third Year) Teachers

This course is geared towards recently-qualified MFL teachers of all languages. It will concentrate on classroom technique, provide lesson ideas and the problems faced by inexperienced teachers trying to get pupils (gifted, average, reluctant, difficult, lowability) up to the required standard.

Motivating Activities for the MFL classroom

Motivation has been identified as one of the three essential requirements in order for language learning to take place (the others being exposure to the language, and opportunities to use it), and yet many of our learners do not come to class feeling motivated about the prospect of learning another language.

In this course we'll explore what it is that can make an activity motivating and look at some practical ways of fostering both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in MFL learners.

National Conference: The New GCSE in MFL Practical Guidance from Examiners


The new GCSE in MFL which schools started teaching from September 2009 has brought with it significant changes in terms of assessment procedures. Teachers of French, German and Spanish are at the forefront of ensuring that all assessment is carried out in line with awarding body guidelines whilst at the same time maximising the outcomes and language learning experience for their students. It is critical that teachers fully understand the requirements and expectations of the different specifications.

New to Post 16 French? A Day of Practical Support, Suggestions and Ideas for Teachers

The course will provide practical support for teachers who are new to teaching French at AS and A2 levels or who are intending to do so. It will raise your awareness of the demands of the examinations and the standards required for success. It will offer practical strategies to build your confidence in the classroom, motivate your students, ease the transition from GCSE and enable your students to work productively in listening, reading, speaking and writing at the appropriate levels.

New to Post 16 German? A Day of Practical Support, Suggestions and Ideas for Teachers

The course will provide practical support and guidance for teachers who are new to teaching German at AS and A2 levels or who are intending to do so. It will raise your awareness of the demands of the examinations and the standards required for success.

It will offer practical strategies to build your confidence in the classroom, motivate your students, ease the transition from GCSE and enable your students to work productively in listening, reading, speaking and writing at the appropriate levels.

New to Post-16 Spanish? A day of Practical Support, Suggestions and Ideas for Teachers

The course will provide practical support and guidance for teachers who are new to teaching Spanish at AS and A2 levels or who are intending to do so. It will raise your awareness of the demands of the examinations and the standards required for success. It will offer practical strategies to build your confidence in the classroom, to motivate your students, to ease the transition from GCSE and enable them to work productively in listening, reading, speaking and writing at the appropriate levels.

Practical and Creative Approaches to Recording Speaking Tests and Dialogues in MFL

The course will focus on how to record speaking assessments for GCSE MFL and the different ways digital audio can enhance language learning. These techniques will enable teachers of MFL to raise pupils' confidence, allowing them to rehearse and peer assess spoken work, improve their pronunciation and deepen their understanding. The course will contain lots of new ideas for creating differentiated distance learning opportunities beyond the MFL classroom. The structured approaches and engaging techniques presented will demystify the process of podcasting in MFL.


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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880