In School/College INSET | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Achieving Outstanding Teaching and Learning in PE against the OfSTED criteria

This course looks at the OfSTED criteria for achieving "Outstanding" and considers the ways in which these grades can be accessed and achieved. More innovative approaches to the delivery of the PE programme in core, options, GCSE and BTEC will be considered to bring about a more effective curriculum delivery model.The technology which is now available to aid delivery, from the use of podcasts to practical ways to make use of visual imagery will be both demonstrated and experienced!

Acquiring Movement Skills/Skill Acquisition for OCR and AQA

At the end of the course delegates will have received a comprehensive overview of effective exam technique strategies, together with a set of lesson plans and work sheets for immediate use with students.

The most difficult areas of the specifications will be covered by using a 'hands on' approach to allow delegates to experience the 'feel of a lesson'.

Adapting GCSE PE for Physically Disabled Students

This course will guide each candidate through the processes involved in successfully entering students with physical disabilities into accredited courses. Whilst concentrating on GCSE, these procedures would equally apply to Entry and A level courses.

An Introducation to Physical Education: AS Level - Preparing Candidates for Examination in OCR Unit G451

At the end of the course, delegates should have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of the OCR Advanced Subsidiary Unit G451.

Delegates will receive examples of candidate responses, together with ideas for planning and delivery of the material examined in this unit.

AQA A2 Contemporary Sporting Issues and Influences

This course has been designed to give you all you need to go back to your classroom with confidence and enthusiasm. It will focus on subject content and lively, effective strategies to ensure student interest, understanding and attainment. Ideas for independent learning, group work and effective revision will be included. The day will be enjoyable, intensive and informal with a thread of 'what about the requirements of the exam?' running throughout.

AS & A2 Anatomy & Physiology made easy

This course is appropriate for teachers (both new and old!) of AQA and OCR Anatomy and Exercise Physiology. All delegates will receive resources such as student teaching packs and revision books. This will save many hours of preparation time.

Delegates will experience a range of interactive delivery ideas in action that are designed to help student understanding of some of the most difficult topic areas. In addition delegates will leave with a clear idea of what needs teaching in relation to exam criteria.

Assessment for Learning with Assessing Pupils' Progress in Physical Education

By the end of the course delegates will understand the importance of every day Assessment practice in engaging all pupils and accelerating their progress. The statutory requirements with regard to assessment, recording and reporting will be examined, and an awareness of the general misuse of levels will be considered.

Delivering BTEC Qualifications in PE and Sport

This course seeks to give a practical insight into the setting up and delivery of the BTEC First and National Awards, Certificates and Diplomas in Sport and related topics. It is specifically designed to help heads of department, or those with responsibility for 14-19 courses, in the organisation of the course.

Developing a Variety of Teaching Activities for GCSE PE Theory Lessons

Colleagues on this course will be introduced to a variety of teaching activities and strategies to ensure learning is both interesting and fun. Each activity included has been modified and adapted to address key areas of the GCSE PE syllabus demonstrating how they may be applied to any teaching environment.

These practical activities will appeal to all pupils' learning styles and preferences. At the end of the course you will be able to freely access computer files to modify and adapt resources to meet your own needs.

Effective use of ICT in Physical Education

The course will examine the statutory requirement for using ICT in PE to ensure that delegates are aware of this. The day will show how to feel secure about the appropriate use of a vast array of ICT hardware and software in PE.

The importance of focusing on the learning process and not the tool will be covered, and delegates will be provided with ideas for 'Classroom' management and teaching strategies when using ICT in practical areas. Finally, the course will look at setting priorities for action, and targets.

Effectively Teaching the AQA PE GCSE - accessing those Top Grades!

This course will look in detail at the current requirements of the AQA specification, and the changes which have occurred since the publication of the initial specification. The specification content will be explained in straight forward terms and the requirements and permutations available will be outlined. Both of the examinable components will be dealt with in detail - along with practical suggestions regarding how the course can most effectively be planned and delivered.

GCSE Physical Education OCR: Preparing to Teach the New Specifications

This course will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of the new OCR GCSE Physical Education specs. Delegates will be updated with information about content of practical and theory and how each is assessed.

This course will also cover the possible models of delivery of these specifications and when to put pupils in for assessments. Countless ideas for resources will also be provided for attendees.

Health and Safety in PE

By the end of this course participants will have a clear, and up to date understanding of the Health and Safety issues surrounding the safe provision of physical education activities. They will understand the legal implications and will be given a template and clear directions on the process of risk assessment practices.

Implementing Effective Learning and Teaching Whole School

The course will enable delegates to take away with them an effective approach on how to implement learning and teaching whole school. The course will go through a step by step approach to this initiative, from writing the policy to monitoring. Delegates will be able to see first hand examples of various learning and teaching approaches that can be used in all schools, addressing marking, assessment for learning and how to show progress.

Improving Student Performance in AQA Stretch & Challenge Questions

All delegates will receive comprehensive teaching packs/revision resources which summarise the key theoretical content students need to know for the summer 2011 PHED 1 and PHED 3 exams.

Inspection of the Physical Education Department

The aim of this course is to assist physical education departments to effectively prepare for their next OfSTED inspection under the new framework. The course will include a review of the changes in OfSTED inspections with the introduction of the new framework in September 2003.

Introducing & Improving GCSE Physical Education

All the current examination courses will be critically analysed, and matched to the suitability of delegates schools. Implications for resourcing of departments and planning a GCSE course will be examined. Aspects of teaching both the practical and theoretical components will be explored, along with the use of ICT Analysis of examination structure and of examiners reports, use of predicted grades to help pupils prepare for the examination Selection of the most appropriate GCSE course. Developing resources and planning a course. Teaching the theory component and use of ICT.

Learn how to use an Interactive Whiteboard to enhance your PE theory lessons

This course provides delegates with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding required to effectively implement the use of interactive whiteboards in their theory lessons. It will consider how pupils can benefit from the very versatile use of this highly versatile new technology.

Managing the PE Department

This course is designed to support new and aspiring heads of physical education to effectively lead and manage their department.

Maximising Student Achievement in AQA AS & A Level PE: The Historical and Socio-Cultural Aspects

All delegates will receive detailed schemes of work to help them plan various aspects of the AQA AS/A level PE history/socio-cultural syllabus before experiencing a range of interactive delivery ideas in action! A clear idea of what needs teaching and to what level so students can be effectively prepared for exams will play an important part throughout the day.

Maximising Student Potential in GCSE PE

With the emphasis in schools now on improvement of student performance, value added and examination grades this course will explore strategies for raising student performance, not just in changing D's into C's, but in changing B's into A's.

Maximising Success in AQA AS & A Level PE

All delegates will receive detailed schemes of work to help them plan various aspects of the AQA AS/A level PE course before experiencing a range of interactive delivery ideas in action!

A clear idea of what needs teaching and to what level so students can be effectively prepared for exams will play an important part throughout the day.

Motivating Girls in PE

To facilitate a change in girls' future participation patterns.
This course will:
* Assess the current pattern of low levels of participation and success for female students.
* Identify ways to increase motivation levels of girls in PE.
* Suggest strategies to improve the level of performance and achievement within lessons.
* Identify areas of current PE practice to facilitate possible change.
* Share good practice to ensure positive and enjoyable experiences for girls within sport.

Motivating Girls in Physical Education

By the end of the course delegates will reflect on the key role they play in encouraging girls to participate fully in physical education. The day will look at how to understand barriers to engagement, including myths and how to dispel them.

The course will show how to develop strategies to motivate disengaged girls and encourage a lifetime of healthy physical activity, and how to be secure in understanding context and matching strategies to meet individual ability, social, maturational and emotional needs.

OCR A2 Comparative Studies

At the end of this course you will be enthused, confident and clear about the content and depth needed for effective teaching of Comparative Studies in Physical Education. The course has been designed to focus on subject content and lively, effective strategies to ensure student interest, understanding and attainment.
Comparisons to the UK will be made as is required by the new specification for teaching from September 2009. The day will be enjoyable, intensive and informal with a thread of 'what about the requirements of the exam?' running throughout.


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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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