In School/College INSET | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

'Teaching' low ability students to pass A-level General Studies on 1 hour a week

Learning & Teaching
The primary aim of this course is to try and ensure that all students gain extra UCAS points to help get them a place on a university course. Low ability students need every point they can get but they seldom want to put any effort into General Studies.

Not only does this subject add easy points for students, it paints a good picture for the institution as a whole, for very little effort on the part of the teacher.

21st Century Learning: Accelerated Learning & Motivational Plans for Classroom Implementation

Learning & Teaching
Teachers will develop a thorough and practical knowledge of how to motivate students utilising technology and innovative techniques that employ accelerated learning methods. There is a considered and consistent move towards studentcentred learning and this course will provide teachers and TA's with the tools to take ideas forward into their own classroom environments.

5 Steps to Accelerated Learning

Learning & Teaching
The aim of this course is to help you understand what accelerated learning is - and demonstrate a realistic and practical 5 step model to help you implement such techniques in your lessons.

An Introduction to E-Assessment at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5

Learning & Teaching
This course will focus on the use of Information and Learning Technologies (ILT) to assess learner progress and its role in delivering effective education. Delegates will have a clear understanding of the purpose of assessment as well as the advantages, disadvantages, and methods of implementation of e-assessment itself.

An Introduction to NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

Learning & Teaching
Delegates will understand the basic principles of NLP and their application to their learning organisation. They will have explored the way NLP can support accelerated learning for young people, how it can develop teams and departments and how NLP can develop managers’ skills.

Assessment for Learning: the Why and the How

Learning & Teaching
Why is it that Assessment for Learning is at the heart of raising standards in the classroom? Delegates will gain a deeper understanding of why AfL has such a marked effect on student achievement - with particular reference to how students learn - which in turn will support them in translating the principles of AfL into classroom practice.

Attendance, Behaviour and Achievement: Making the Link

Learning & Teaching
This course aims to develop understanding of attendance as a whole school/college issue, inseparable from positive behaviour and student achievement. Participants will look at how to develop a positive ethos to behaviour and attendance in their school that includes all staff.

Brain Gym: Enhancing Learning through Movement in the Classroom

Learning & Teaching
Brain Gym is a series of quick, fun and effective movements to enhance the development of brain and body functioning.

Brain Gym: Understanding Developmental Delay and Providing Remediation Options in the Classroom

Learning & Teaching
The Brain Gym movements are now used in many schools across the world to help learning and concentration and for the development of specific functional skills needed for literacy, numeracy and other skills. A key to the optimal implementation of such a movement programme is to understand what lies behind each of the movements.

Catch them Early! - How to address the Year 8 dip: classroom strategies for motivating boys at KS3

Learning & Teaching
If you want to counter the Year 8 dip, and learn how to motivate boys in your year group or department, this practical course could be the answer. Aimed at Heads of Year as well as Heads of Department, this course will provide you with tried and tested classroom strategies which you and your staff can employ to raise enthusiasm amongst boys and help you to narrow the achievement gap between the sexes.

Creating Inclusive Teaching Resources using everyday technology

Learning & Teaching
Providing alternative formats for learners with disabilities is a legal requirement under the SED. Most learners will benefit from a blended learning approach. Learn how to use images, videos and MP3s to enhance understanding and improve engagement without buying extra equipment or learning new skills. Creating media rich resources has never been easier - once you know how.

Creativity with Control: Holding on Whilst Letting Go

Learning & Teaching
Younger pupils are creatures of emotion, not logic. This course will offer delegates the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of how creative approaches can have a powerful impact on learning, engagement, relationships, thinking skills, behaviour and progress.

Critical Thinking Skills for the Classroom

Learning & Teaching
By attending this course delegates will develop a clear understanding of where the opportunities for building thinking skills into everyday classroom teaching exist. They will also understand the nature of Critical Thinking Skills and their value to the students performing them.

It will also hopefully lead to more interested students, more reflective classroom practise and lower stress levels!

Delivering Work Related Learning & Enterprise through School Business & Community Partnership

Learning & Teaching
This inset day will help schools cope with the wide range the government's Work Related Learning initiative for 14-16 year olds. The training will enable you to take a whole school approach to enterprise and offer a variety of vocational courses which all require closer links with business. The course focuses on developing a support system that saves time and improves the quality - and quantity - of school, business and community links.

Developing & Sustaining Positive Learning Cultures via PLTS & LOTC

Learning & Teaching
This course will show how to create a more productive culture for all lifelong learners. By developing knowledge and understanding of Personal learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) and how they can be facilitated will effectively enable the team - classroom, department or whole school - to create a positive learning environment.

Developing Challenge in your Teaching

Learning & Teaching
This course will provide both the understanding of how a 'challenging' classroom environment can be shaped as well as the acquisition of tools with which to shape it upon your return. Delegates will have a chance to explore strategies for self-reflection and coaching as well as receiving fresh impetus to excel.

Developing Differentiation in the Classroom

Learning & Teaching
Many teachers are still finding the need to meet the needs of every kind of learner a time consuming and challenging obstacle. This course will offer a repertoire of ideas and strategies that will allow delegates to feel much more empowered in meeting the challenges that brings. Specifically it will look at overcoming barriers to learning by focusing heavily on images, language and 'doing'.

Developing Unique Learner Profiles

Learning & Teaching
This course will help us to understand the unique learner profile of each student and will give the approaches and strategies to enable us to personalise their learning and enable them to be successful in their learning journey.

Effective Processes for Professional Mentors to NQTS

Learning & Teaching
The role of the Professional Mentor is to guide newly qualified teachers through the first year of teaching after gaining qualified teacher status (QTS) to become effective teachers - and to help them build upon on their skills from initial training. The aim should be to provide a strong base for career-long professional development through a personalised programme of professional guidance and support, together with assessment against national standards.

Engaging the Disengaged

Learning & Teaching
This course will provide strategies that staff can use with the increasingly large numbers of students in mainstream classrooms who appear disaffected and disengaged.

It will give staff the skills to develop rapport with students and outline how to develop positive learning environments where all learners can be successful. It will show how we can manage difficult and challenging behaviours. The emphasis of the day will be on providing practical strategies and interventions.

Engaging the Vocational Learner in to 14-19 Curriculum: Preparing for 14-19 Learning Reforms

Learning & Teaching
With 14-19 diplomas learners now having more options and choices, it is at this crucial time that schools will need to maintain traditional learning pathways yet be equipped to develop and manage new and more diverse vocational and industry led routes. Diplomas promote diversity and provide new opportunities through industry - with relevant applied and specialised learning now much more readily available. Are you embracing the challenges this will bring?

Essential Oils for Teaching Creatively

Learning & Teaching
At the time we first set out to become teachers, often inspired by individuals that made such a difference to us in our youth, little did we know how dramatically society would change and present us with so many unforeseeable challenges - when imparting knowledge to a roomful of teenagers is challenging enough.
This course sets out to openly discuss these challenges and provide an armoury of new skills to help teachers deal with the stresses they face in the teaching environment.

Facing the Challenge - Moving Behaviour to "Good" or "Outstanding"

Learning & Teaching
Tackling bad behaviour and reducing incidents of persistent disruptive behaviour has been identified by the Schools Secretary as a priority. An official 'Satisfactory' ranking for behaviour by Inspectors will be unacceptable by 2012. This course will show how staff can improve learning behaviour in their institutions, analyse the impact of behaviour on learning and will provide ways to help them move behaviour to "Good" or "Outstanding".

Getting to Grips with Interactive Whiteboards

Learning & Teaching
This introductory course will focus upon the use of Interactive Whiteboards in learning and teaching. The tutor will demonstrate the full range of techniques for using IWBs and provide plenty of ‘hands on’ time for participants to try things out for themselves. We will also look at ways of adapting ICT resources for use with IWBs. 5. Aims of the course: To make teachers aware of the potential of Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) in teaching. To develop the necessary skills to operate an IWB. To show how existing ICT resources can be adapted for IWB use.

Grab Their Attention: How To Make Every Lesson Engaging & Interactive So Your Pupils Will Beg For More

Learning & Teaching
Ask most teenagers what they did in school today and the reply will be something along the lines of "Nothin'". Ask most primary age children the same question and they will tell you of the fun they've had and the fantastic new things they've discovered. Education and learning needs to be both FUN and RELEVANT to pupils' lives if they are to be fully engaged and maximise their potential to assimilate new information.


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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880