In School/College INSET | Page 33 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Learn how to use an Interactive Whiteboard to enhance your PE theory lessons

This course provides delegates with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding required to effectively implement the use of interactive whiteboards in their theory lessons. It will consider how pupils can benefit from the very versatile use of this highly versatile new technology.

Managing the PE Department

This course is designed to support new and aspiring heads of physical education to effectively lead and manage their department.

Maximising Student Achievement in AQA AS & A Level PE: The Historical and Socio-Cultural Aspects

All delegates will receive detailed schemes of work to help them plan various aspects of the AQA AS/A level PE history/socio-cultural syllabus before experiencing a range of interactive delivery ideas in action! A clear idea of what needs teaching and to what level so students can be effectively prepared for exams will play an important part throughout the day.

Maximising Student Potential in GCSE PE

With the emphasis in schools now on improvement of student performance, value added and examination grades this course will explore strategies for raising student performance, not just in changing D's into C's, but in changing B's into A's.

Maximising Success in AQA AS & A Level PE

All delegates will receive detailed schemes of work to help them plan various aspects of the AQA AS/A level PE course before experiencing a range of interactive delivery ideas in action!

A clear idea of what needs teaching and to what level so students can be effectively prepared for exams will play an important part throughout the day.

Motivating Girls in PE

To facilitate a change in girls' future participation patterns.
This course will:
* Assess the current pattern of low levels of participation and success for female students.
* Identify ways to increase motivation levels of girls in PE.
* Suggest strategies to improve the level of performance and achievement within lessons.
* Identify areas of current PE practice to facilitate possible change.
* Share good practice to ensure positive and enjoyable experiences for girls within sport.

Motivating Girls in Physical Education

By the end of the course delegates will reflect on the key role they play in encouraging girls to participate fully in physical education. The day will look at how to understand barriers to engagement, including myths and how to dispel them.

The course will show how to develop strategies to motivate disengaged girls and encourage a lifetime of healthy physical activity, and how to be secure in understanding context and matching strategies to meet individual ability, social, maturational and emotional needs.

OCR A2 Comparative Studies

At the end of this course you will be enthused, confident and clear about the content and depth needed for effective teaching of Comparative Studies in Physical Education. The course has been designed to focus on subject content and lively, effective strategies to ensure student interest, understanding and attainment.
Comparisons to the UK will be made as is required by the new specification for teaching from September 2009. The day will be enjoyable, intensive and informal with a thread of 'what about the requirements of the exam?' running throughout.

OCR Synoptic Assessment : the Socio-Cultural Areas

This training will provide strategies for effective teaching and learning; refer constantly to exam requirements and technique; provide opportunities to share concerns and have questions answered. The day will explore the relevant theories in detail, and the approach will be both practical and informal.

Outdoor and Adventurous Activities in PE

Delegates attending this course will be clear about the role that Outdoor/Adventurous Activities can play in the PE curriculum. They will be able to plan and organise activities which can be delivered onsite during curriculum time, and which require few resources or staff training.

The course will deal with the theory of planning these activities, and will also give delegates practical experience of doing the activities themselves.

Outdoor Education & the 24 Hour Curriculum

The course will give delegates an improved understanding of why outdoor learning is of significant benefit to all young people. How outdoor learning can significantly contribute to the 24 hour curriculum.
It will explode the myth of litigation and risk assessment and offer a working model. Finally it will give practical ideas on setting up your own outdoor programme in your own resource. The course will be delivered using practical and interactive aspects where possible.

Outdoor Education on the School Campus

The benefits of outdoor education are well known. They include team building, problem solving, tolerance and co-operation. These educational benefits are relevant to both the physical education and citizenship curricula. However, cost, safety considerations and time constraints often make visits to specialist centres impractical. This exciting course clearly shows how the benefits of Outdoor Education can be made available to all your pupils within your school setting. These activities can be used at any time of the year and can be done indoors as well as out.

PE/Sports Studies: Inspiring Teaching & Learning Strategies for New Specifications AS Skill Acquisition Modules

Whether you're new to AS teaching, new to this area of the specification or would like to freshen up your lessons for the implementation of the New Specification then this course will be invaluable to you. The course will cover many of the major areas of the specifications.

The aims of the course are to:
* Address issues relating to schemes of work and programmes of study as a means of ensuring that the specification is comprehensively covered
* Offer suggestions for staff and student planning and organisation

PE/Sports Studies: New and Inspiring Teaching and Learning Strategies for A2 Psychology of Sport Modules

This is a new and exciting approach to delivering the A2 Sports Psychology modules for A level PE/Sports Studies. This course is appropriate for all Examination Boards offering the A level PE Sports Studies. This course will prepare colleagues new to the area (as well as more experienced colleagues) for the specifications that are in place now and the new specifications from September 2008.

Physical Education for the Non-Specialist: Practical Teaching Strategies

The course will look at the planning and assessment of lessons, according to QCA guidelines, and will ensure that non-specialist teachers receive the guiding principles they require. This will allow their students - who arrive with a variety of skills and levels of ability - to make progress according to the syllabus, based upon the four areas of assessment.

Physical Education: Making Inclusion Work

This course will help you in: providing effectively for a wide range of needs; developing specialist knowledge, provision and support; ensuring a learning environment suitable for all children to achieve their best; and reviewing department approaches which adjust to the child instead of the child just "fitting into" current provision.

Physical Education: OCR AS G451 - The Theory Paper

This course will be motivating, confidence boosting, carefully focused and enjoyable. You will leave with more ideas for successful teaching and learning and, crucially, for how to prepare your candidates even more successfully for their G451 exam.

Delegates will be clear on how to best prepare candidates for the 10-mark questions - and how to assess their work throughout the year. A short session in the afternoon will be in subject specific focus groups...sharing resources and teaching ideas.

Physical Education: Preparing to Become a Head of Department

In order to move into Departmental Management ambitious young teachers will need to show that they are able to effectively organise and manage their time, their tasks and other people.

This course will provide opportunities for you to consider effective management styles, strategies and leadership qualities. We will look at the organisation and development planning for the successful leadership of a PE Department and consider the current issues surrounding the leadership and management of a dynamic and successful PE department.

Practical Strategies for the Secondary School Sports Coordinator to Develop Effective Partnerships with Primary PE

As a result of attending this course you will be able to identify a structure for the content, ideas and activities in the gymnastics, dance and games curriculum. You will be able to watch children performing a range of skills in all three areas of activity - and identify how they may achieve high quality PE and progression across the key stage(s).
Aims of the course are to:
* identify strategies to achieve continuity and progression in the Gymnastics, Dance and Games curriculum
* identify strategies for assessment for learning

Preparing Candidates for Examination in the Psychology Option of OCR A2 Unit G453

At the end of the course, delegates should have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements within the Sports Psychology option of the OCR Unit G453 examination paper.

Delegates will receive a scheme of work, a programme of delivery and suggested strategies for delivery of the topic areas with the Sports Psychology module.

Preparing Candidates for OCR A2 Synoptic Examination

At the end of the course delegates should have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of the OCR Synoptic examination (Unit 2566).

Delegates will receive examples of high quality answers, together with ideas for planning and delivery of this module.

The aims of the course are to:
* familiarise delegates with the OCR Synoptic Unit (2566) requirements
* create a framework for high quality student answers
* explore avenues for subject delivery
* identify good examination technique

Preparing Candidates for the Acquiring Movement Skills G451 OCR extended question

Delegates will gain a valuable insight into the marking methodology of the extended questions at AS level, together with strategies that can be used to prepare students for this component of the course.

Providing for the Gifted and Talented in PE

This course will examine ways in which PE departments and schools can challenge their Gifted and Talented students, in lessons, in Out of Hours work and in the school as a whole. It will explore strategies for challenge whilst also keeping students motivated, and will examine the roles which parents and clubs can play in providing challenge.

Raising Standards in AS/A2 PE: The Psychology of Sport Modules

The training will help you in your planning of the A2 programme for all examination boards' sports psychology modules; propose strategies for effective teaching - as well as reviewing and updating the content of the various curricula in detail.

Self Review of the PE Department

This course will examine the process of self evaluation of the department enabling participants to form accurate judgements about where they are currently, to judge this against various expectations and to begin to plan for any required improvements. The course will include case studies and task sheets to be used back at school with other department staff.


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East Sussex

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