In School/College INSET | Page 19 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Implementing and Embedding SEAL Whole School Ethos; Curriculum Directed Time; Intervention Groups

Learning & Teaching
The course will examine the three ways to implement the SEAL strategy and provide an overview and vision to embed the programme. Delegates attending this course will come away with the principles of SEAL and how it can enhance the school environment at whole school level, strengthen the quality of teaching and learning in all areas of the curriculum and raise the self esteem and skills of students in small intervention groups.

Improving Gifted & Talented Provision in Your Department

Learning & Teaching
Delegates to this course will go away with a clear sense of how to evaluate and improve their G&T provision at departmental level. They will be able to audit their provision, take action to raise standards and assess the extent of the impact of their policies.

Improving your skill as a Professional Communicator by increasing your awareness of the power of Body Language

Learning & Teaching
Teachers are professional communicators. This course will encourage teachers to adopt specific body language techniques which will significantly improve their communication in the classroom and help them to stay in control in stressful situations. It will also help teachers to identify pupils in their care who are vulnerable or underachieving, as well as providing valuable information on ways to communicate more effectively with colleagues and parents by adopting appropriate body language.

Information Skills Across The Curriculum

Learning & Teaching
By attending this course delegates will be more aware of the place of information skills across the whole curriculum and have a model for implementation of information skills throughout the school. Examples of information skills being taught through both subject-based and cross-curricular projects will be provided.

Inspired Teacher, Inspired Pupils: Motivation at Key Stages 3 & 4

Learning & Teaching
Attendees will come away from this course with a clear idea of the mechanisms and methods with which we can inspire ourselves and then in turn inspire others. Importantly attendees will also clearly see what it is in daily life which obstructs our access to the wellspring of motivation that is in all of us and how straightforward it is to remove those obstacles with a minimum of effort.
Attendees will come away from the course happier, calmer and excited about the possibilities that exist for themselves, their teaching and those they teach.

Inspiring Under-Achieving Gifted & Talented Students

Learning & Teaching
Delegates attending this course will come away with a clear set of principles and ideas with which to re engage Able, Gifted and Talented pupils; some of whom may have switched off from the 'system' and prefer to co-operate on their terms only.

By focusing on, not only, what they can do (or find easy) but also on areas they would rather avoid whilst also pointing out the confines of the particular 'goldfish bowl' they inhabit we can start to create new areas of challenge and interest which can interrupt the programme of decline.

Introducing Study Skills at Key Stage 4

Learning & Teaching
The introduction of effective study skills at Key Stage 4 is the key to the continued success of students at Key Stage 5. This course will provide delegates with practical methods to inspire students to develop the necessary tools to guarantee continued success and independence throughout their academic careers.

Learning & Teaching Styles: Developing the Critical Piece of the Jigsaw

Learning & Teaching
By attending this course delegates will come away with a clear understanding of the part that teaching and learning styles play in developing outstanding lessons which contribute to whole school improvement.

Learning & Teaching: Making the Most of your School/College's Grounds to Boost Learning & Teaching

Learning & Teaching
Delegates will acquire both the theoretical framework and practical means to establish their own campus - based courses and schemes of work. Delegates do not need any skills in traditional outdoor disciplines, just be prepared to join in some enjoyable outdoor activities. Please wear clothing and footwear suitable for some outdoor sessions in the hotel grounds in the prevailing weather!

Learning Energy - Effective Strategies to Stimulate Learning Motivation at A-Level

Learning & Teaching
Exams are around the corner and the course work preparation has already begun. But looking at these students you wouldn't know it! On this course we get to the bottom of study apathy and unearth strategies and ideas to stimulate students' learning motivation.

Life after your NQT Induction - become a more effective teacher

Learning & Teaching
NQTs are the life-blood of the profession, yet currently, 40% of all NQTs leave within the first 5 years of starting the job. The 2 reasons they most commonly give for leaving are;

1. Pupils' poor behaviour

2. Endless bureaucracy such as lesson planning, marking, assessment, etc.

Making Good Progress: Maximising Potential for the Able, Gifted and Talented

Learning & Teaching
This course will explore teaching strategies, materials and monitoring systems that will enable more able, gifted and talented pupils to make excellent progress. The course will examine data and other systems for identification of the cohort and suggest ways that schools can monitor and measure progress.

Maximising Your Impact: Advanced Coaching for Middle and Senior Leaders

Learning & Teaching
Over the last few years we have had many requests for an advanced training course to help enable teachers and support staff to 'build on the basics'. For those coaches that want to improve and build upon their current coaching skills, this professional development is the answer.

Method and Motivation for the Classroom

Learning & Teaching
By attending this course delegates will come away with a clear understanding of the process of motivation and that no one can forcibly be motivated nor are people born motivated or not. Looking at the process and method of motivation we can discern the opportunities for implementing new ideas with classes, teams, specific target groups, year groups - or even a whole school.

Delegates will also start to dip into methods of their own motivation and motivating staff around them to prompt powerful change within curriculum delivery and everyday school life.

Narrowing the Gaps: how to ensure that Gifted Students make Good Progress and Achieve Their Potential

Learning & Teaching
This course, aimed at secondary teachers, addresses the new Ofsted framework and the National Strategies agenda of ensuring that gifted students should achieve their potential. Delegates will explore and discuss the underlying reasons why vulnerable groups of students do not make good progress, including new arrivals, gifted EAL students and those with dual or multiple exceptionalities.

One Size Doesn't Fit All: Developing Personalised Learning

Learning & Teaching
This course is for all those people that know that one size does not fit all, that equal is not fair and that the only thing in the middle of the road is a white line and some squashed frog - but haven’t known what to do about it in the face of a 'National' Curriculum and standardised testing.

Understanding the important differences and being able to respond to them to allow students to feel that they are being given the opportunity to fulfil their view of their potential is something which some can do naturally, but which needs to occur across the board.

Overcoming the Challenge of the Year 8 Dip

Learning & Teaching
What is Year 8? An aftermath to the excitement of a new school and new subjects in Year 7, or a prelude to the gravitas of SATs preparation in Year 9? Either way this is a time when we can either utilise a valuable year to embed best practice or lose many students in a directionless haze.

Peer Mentoring to Support achievement, pastoral care and all aspects of school life

Learning & Teaching
There is no doubt that peer mentoring supports and inspires students and what often follows is high achievement, real engagement and enjoyment in learning. So how do we make students sparkle? This course explores what peer mentoring can do for students to move from good to outstanding. It will look at practical strategies to maximise the potential ways to stretch, challenge and support students by helping the learners to help themselves.

PLTS in Assignment & Curriculum Planning

Learning & Teaching
The Personal Learning and Thinking Skills have been described as 'the heart of the Diploma'. They represent the transferable skills that Higher Education and employers have identified as essential for success. They are a key element of the Diploma.

This course will encourage you to write projects and assignment briefs that include the most relevant PLTS requirements, and will give your Diploma students skills and attributes beyond the subject or sector content.

Post-16 Student Monitoring & Mentoring

Learning & Teaching
This course examines effective techniques for caring for and support Post-16 students as they begin their transition into independent students, and learn to cultivate their own motivation to fuel them on their way. Delegates will explore how the role of the teacher changes over this period, and how the techniques of coaching and mentoring can be employed to help young people deal with the difficulties they face, be they academic or social.

Questioning: Stop Shooting, Start Fishing

Learning & Teaching
The 'silly' question is the first intimation of some totally new development A.N. Whitehead. This course is designed to enhance the questioning skills of delegates by offering strategies and suggestions that will invigorate practice.

Delegates will be introduced to a variety of thinking, research and practical strategies which enable the development of powerful questioning environments. The day will be a mixture of theoretical and practical engagement.

Recognising & Extending the Underachieving Able

Learning & Teaching
Who is the able underachiever? This course will help delegates to understand more about this issue and develop useful strategies for identifying able children who are, or at risk of, underachieving. The course will also explore the causes of underachievement and offer help in producing a policy and plan for future provision in school. It is intended to be a PRACTICAL DAY looking at both whole school and classroom issues.
Aims of the course are to:
* have a clearer understanding of current thinking about able underachievers

Responding to the Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) framework

Learning & Teaching
The morning session will give delegates a range of practical strategies to support a coherent whole school approach to the implementation and embedding of personal, learning and thinking skills in their institution.

Through the discussion of the benefits and potential problems of various strategies, delegates will be able to identify ideas which will work best in their particular context.

SEAL: Social & Emotional Aspects of Learning: A Whole School Approach

Learning & Teaching
Social and emotional skills are the skills of making positive relationships with other people, of understanding and managing ourselves and our own emotions, thoughts and behaviours. If people have these skills they can then understand and respond to the emotions and behaviour of others in ways that are in the best long term interests of themselves and others.

Setting Up and Running an Inclusion Support Unit

Learning & Teaching
Delegates attending the course will gain a clear insight into how pioneering schools have successfully set up on-site units to reduce exclusion and raise attendance. After completing the training teachers will feel better informed about Government guidelines on setting up of Learning Support Units.

At the end of the course, participants will be confident in producing an action plan to set up and run a successful unit in their school.


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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

Gemini House
136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880