In School/College INSET | Page 38 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Religious Education for Non- Specialists: Imaginative & Practical Strategies for the Classroom

Religious Education
RE is one of the most interesting subjects on the curriculum - when it's taught well. By sharpening their planning and practice, teachers can gain the necessary confidence to make their lessons more engaging and stimulating for pupils.

The course will use input, discussion and groupwork to explore the best ways of teaching RE in the classroom. It focuses on understanding and communicating the aims of RE, managing classroom activity, improving lesson planning and handling discussion work.

Religious Education for Non-Specialists: Imaginative & Practical Strategies for the Classroom

Religious Education
RE is the most interesting and challenging of subjects on the curriculum - when it's taught well. By sharpening their planning and practice, teachers can gain confidence - to make lessons engaging and stimulating for pupils.

The course will use input, discussion and groupwork to explore the best ways of teaching RE in the classroom. It focuses on the aims of RE, managing classroom activity and improving lesson planning and discussion work.

The Effective Head of R.E

Religious Education

Using ICT to add the HOTS* (Higher Order Thinking Skills) to RE

Religious Education
Delegates who attend this one-day course will be presented with a variety of ways in which RE can be enhanced by ICT and used to engage learners in Higher Order Thinking Skills. Creative ideas will be demonstrated which motivate learners and show how to challenge pupils to reach higher levels of attainment.

AS Biology: Engaging and Inspiring Your Students in the New Edexcel Biology Specification

From September 2008, Edexcel will offer one GCE specification in Biology, developed from the best of the current Edexcel and Salters Nuffield Advanced Biology (SNAB) specifications. It has been designed to engage and inspire students by showing how an understanding of many contemporary issues requires a grasp of fundamental biological ideas and offers a choice of proven teaching and learning styles leading to one common assessment structure.

Assessment for Learning in Science

There is a growing recognition that for far too long teachers have been focusing excessively (mainly because they have been forced to do so by the demands of league tables, inspections, etc) on summative assessment - Assessment of Learning (AoL). However, you do not make a pig any fatter by repeatedly weighing it.

This is not a course about science assessment. It is a course about assessment for learning in a science context.

Becoming a Specialist LSA or TA in Science

Whether new or experienced, this interactive course is for classroom assistants who support pupils and science teachers in science classrooms in secondary schools. It will explore common misconceptions that pupils hold about scientific ideas and how these can tackled and the role of the teaching assistant in developing pupils' communication and practical activity skills.

Challenging Gifted & Talented Pupils in Science

Provision for our gifted and talented science students is finally getting the consideration it deserves. It is now a recognised requirement by OfSTED and the DCSF. Current G&T Year 7 students have been identified by the DCSF and their performance is being tracked.

Chemistry for Non-Specialists

This course will provide delegates with an opportunity to gain increased confidence with the key concepts in KS3 & KS4 Chemistry. It will also provide many ideas for relevant and interesting practical experiments and demonstrations, as well as the ability to use models.
The day will also consider key misconceptions about teaching chemistry and techniques to address them.

Chemistry for Non-specialists: Classroom Strategies & Practical Suggestions

This course will provide non-specialist teachers who are teaching Chemistry with increased confidence with key concepts in KS3 & KS4 Chemistry. The day will provide a wealth of ideas for relevant and interesting practical experiments and demonstrations.

Importantly, the course will also give participants an awareness of key misconceptions ABOUT Chemistry, and offer techniques to address them. It will also look at the ability to use models in Chemistry teaching.

Creative Science - Ideas and Evidence

The Key Stage 3 Strategy for Science promotes creative ways of working and thinking skills in science. This course will provide you with proven techniques designed to help you introduce "thinking skills" opportunities and creative science lessons as a day to day part of your science teaching.

CSI for Schools: Forensic Science for the Classroom

Delegates who attend the course will receive an insight into the principles of forensic science as well as a working knowledge of several forensic techniques. The course will challenge and develop forensic thinking skills. Delegates will cover areas such as crime scene examination, evidence collection, fingerprinting, forensic ecology, forensic chemistry, and trace evidence such as glass, fibres, and hair.

Developing Experimental Skills in Science for the New Specifications

Teachers will understand the current weaknesses in pupils' understanding of experimental science and will have gained ideas to address those weaknesses in order to boost internal assessment marks at GCSE. They will have considered innovative new ways to teach pupils how to design, analyse and evaluate experiments.

Effective Assessment for Learning in KS 3 & 4 Science

Assessment for learning involves using assessment in the classroom to raise pupils' achievement. This course will consider a range of Assessment for Learning techniques designed to promote progression and identify opportunities for challenge in science.

The practical application of these principles has given sensational increases in examination results at all levels.

Effective Behaviour Management in the Science Laboratory

Science allows a wealth of opportunities to interactively explore using practicals and active learning, however this also comes with potential pitfalls and problems.

This course offers realistic tried and tested solutions to real problems from low level disruptive behaviour to dealing with extremely challenging classes. Neil has spent nine years as an AST in science in challenging schools and has discovered what works and how to tackle the issues that are specific to the science laboratory where safety is paramount.

Effective Strategies in Additional Applied Science

One of the many benefits to be derived from attending this course is an increased confidence in teaching and assessing GCSE applied science. Delegates will be given a collection of strategies that will enable them to support applied science projects more effectively. Experienced presenters will help you match your expertise and school's resources to the abilities of your students so that their maximum potential can be realised.

Electricity & Magnetism for the non-specialist

This one day seminar is designed to support the non-physics science teacher who will be required to teach the physics elements of the Key Stage 3 Science Curriculum. You will be provided with practical strategies to help you successfully teach pupils of all abilities - including the gifted and talented.

There will be opportunity for practical hands-on investigative tasks developed in a Key Stage 3 context. ICT resource materials will also be made available to you on CDROM.

Enhancing Achievement & Examination Results in GCSE and A Level Biology

Many students underperform in examination questions at both GCSE and A level, with effective caoching on examination technique performance can improve significantly - but what is the examiner looking for?

How can we train our students to avoid silly mistakes and dispel common misconceptions?

Extending Gifted & Talented Students in Science and increasing the number of A Grades

This course reviews all aspects of challenging the gifted and talented students within a mainstream class, as well as through extension and activities. Enrichment activities will be explored - both those in the classroom and ones provided by external agencies.

The tutor will lead discussions for the reasons why students will not reach the highest grades, and ways of ensuring that they do reach the highest grades will be suggested. Neil will also lead a short session on how to effectively use simple, free tools to extend learners.

Forces & Motion for the non-specialist

This one day seminar is designed to support the non-physics science teacher who will be required to teach the key units of physics at Key Stage 3. There will be opportunity for practical hands-on investigative tasks developed in a Key Stage 3 context. ICT resource materials will be available on CDROM on the day.

Health and Safety for Science Teachers

To provide a relevant context for Health and Safety in Science; to focus on ways in which Science departments can ensure good practice; to explain the process of Risk Assessment; to show how existing advice can be used to ensure and promote safe and exciting Science lessons.

High Achievement Through Creative Thinking: Creating Excellent Lessons in Science

How do we make those Science lessons and pupils sparkle? This is the challenge for the secondary teacher of Science. There is no doubt that stimulating teaching inspires pupils with a love of a subject and this often translates into high achievement and lifelong enjoyment.

How Science Works: Socio-economic Biology in the New Specifications

The "How Science Works" sections of the new GCSE specifications introduce a raft of topical biological issues which have not been covered in any depth in previous specifications.
This CPD day will outline important aspects of the new content to ensure that delegates are familiar with the new material and leave the course feeling confident in their ability to teach it effectively. Source material for use with GCSE classes will be suggested, along with strategies for covering the material thoroughly in the time available.

How to be a Highly Effective Science Technician and support School/College Improvement

Delegates will leave this course understanding what constitutes best practice in their field of work. They will be given ideas to expand their role to more effectively support "Outstanding" science teaching in the laboratory.

The course will introduce tried-and-tested strategies for managing student behaviour both inside the lab and around the school or college. Advice on taking a more pro-active role in their own professional development to help cope with the significant changes to science teaching that are to come in the near future, will also be offered.

Imaginative Teaching Strategies and Creative Classroom Ideas: Delivering Grade 1 GCSE or IGCSE Biology Lessons

The aim of this course is to give you practical ideas and new imaginative strategies for producing outstanding lesson in GCSE or IGCSE Biology that are enjoyable, stimulating, motivating and that meet the needs of different learners. The course will also address issues prompted by the specifications such as making difficult concepts easier for students to grasp and incorporating 'How Science Works'.


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