In School/College INSET | Page 35 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Assessment for Learning in Writing: Including APP

Primary & Early Years
This course is aimed at teachers in primary education who wish to develop their understanding of Assessment for Learning in a broad context.

Delegates will have the opportunity to experience a range of practical approaches to assessment, aimed at securing evidence of learning both inside and out of the classroom.

Becoming an AST or ET in the Primary School

Primary & Early Years
This course will consider each of the standards required in obtaining AST and ET status and provide support with details of the application and assessment procedures. There will be advice on building a high quality portfolio and delegates will examine Outstanding Practice in Teaching and Learning in the primary classroom.

Delegates will also look at the wider role of ASTs and ETs and look at working in partnership with other professionals.

Child Protection in Primary Schools: Safeguarding Children, Enhancing Awareness & Developing Good Practice.

Primary & Early Years
This course provides information on how education settings can fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities. It explores the subject of child protection and its importance for all staff and gives an understanding of child protection procedures and how to respond to child protection concerns about a pupil.

Developing Thinking Skills in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Primary & Early Years
It is often assumed that school age children know how to think. However, many young children have increasing difficulty with applying their knowledge to new problems or challenges.

Based on the unique capabilities and interests of the young child, this workshop aims to equip you with the understanding and practical skills to develop the young child's cognitive tools. It is invaluable for anyone working with very young children.

Effective Classroom Observation & Feedback for Primary Schools

Primary & Early Years
The course is designed to develop the skills of observing learning and teaching and giving high quality feedback. It will look at key issues in observing learning and teaching, and the progress pupils make, using the OfSTED criteria and with reference to the Performance Management of teachers.

Excellent Teaching for Learning: Making Good Teaching Outstanding

Primary & Early Years
This course will illustrate excellent teaching methods which focus on learners and learning. It will examine models of learning, learning styles, teacher knowledge and teaching methods which will enable you as a teacher to considerably strengthen your class teaching, learners' learning and the teaching of others.

Powerful approaches will be considered which will guide your action in developing your knowledge of the best approaches, enabling learners and negotiating pedagogies.

Overcoming Barriers to Learning in Primary Maths

Primary & Early Years
This course is designed to examine some of the key elements of mathematics which so many pupils stumble on in an attempt to learn the key concepts. It will look at approaches to teaching calculation methods and draw on recent research into dyscalculia to demonstrate how children can overcome learning difficulties through an appropriate choice of mathematical task.

PRIMARY - 100 Great Ideas for PE - A Practical Approach to a Practical Subject

Primary & Early Years
This practical course is designed to give delegates lots of tried and tested ideas to take back to their schools. During the course of the day we will examine 4 curriculum areas: Games, Athletics, Gymnastics and Dance and consider the pros and cons of different approaches. Delegates will look at the four strands that run through each activity area with special attention given to teaching Knowledge and Understanding of Fitness, and Evaluating & Improving Performance. Please note the mode of delivery is not practical i.e.

PRIMARY - Encouraging Co-operative Behaviour in the Early Years

Primary & Early Years
This course will help participants to identify some causes for poor behaviour currently causing concern in the Early Years. Strategies will be recommended which are proving successful in helping young children to take charge of their own behaviour. We shall consider situations which occur frequently in classrooms and try out various methods to deal with them. There will be some emphasis on the importance of building self esteem in a safe and stimulating environment. Aims of the course • To understand why many children find it difficult to conform to expected standards of behaviour.

PRIMARY - Guidance on the use of Physical Restraint in Primary and Special Schools

Primary & Early Years
The use of reasonable force to control and restrain pupils is a growing issue in schools as they continually strive to provide inclusive learning enviroments. Circular 10/98 and more recent joint guidance produced by the DfES and DOH has increased the anxiety of staff when faced with young people who present challenging behaviours. This one day course attempts to reduce this anxiety and provide schools with practical strategies to ensure a stratgic approach, based on effective policy and practice which will help you to protect both staff and pupils.

PRIMARY - Including Pupils with Special Educational Needs in the Primary Classroom

Primary & Early Years
The whole school has a responsibility towards including and making provision for pupils with special educational needs. This practical course identifies the roles of all involved, and also supports schools by providing handouts and information to enable maximum support.

PRIMARY - Interactive Resources for the Foundation Stage using Smart Board and My World

Primary & Early Years
The aim of this course is to give Foundation Stage staff an opportunity to discover the potential and benefits of using both a Smart Board and My World with their children. There will be time to look at SMART Board resources - made specifically for the Foundation Stage by Foundation Stage teachers - before we explore the SMART Notebook in detail. There will then be time to make a SMART teaching resource to take back into the classroom. We will also be looking at My World software and learning how to make resources specifically for the Foundation Stage.

PRIMARY - Interactive Teaching in the Numeracy Lesson

Primary & Early Years
This practical day takes delegates through a range of mental and pencil and paper mathematical activities that are designed to respond to the National Numeracy Framework’s promotion of the ‘non-routine’ and ‘creative’ work that is fostered by interactive teaching approaches. The activities reinforce and extend standard routine approaches and have all been used successfully in the classroom.

PRIMARY - Keeping Children Safe

Primary & Early Years
The recent changes in law regarding Child Protection will be outlined and guidance given regarding false allegations. The impact on learning of issues emanating from children’s home lives, such as parental depression, drug/alcohol abuse, divorce, domestic violence, blended families etc will be covered and effective strategies for helping children to accept and cope with these issues will be addressed.

PRIMARY - Let's Sing! Stategies for Developing Singing in your Classroom

Primary & Early Years
Singing should be a natural, integral and exciting part of daily life in the primary classroom but often teachers lack confidence in their own ability to tackle it effectively. In this course we shall look at the mechanics of singing to enable teachers to make the best use of their own voice and to get the best from their pupils. Singing becomes much more interesting when we progress to singing in different parts - the essence of choral singing - and this is perfectly feasible from KS1 if teachers have the right material and the courage to try it.

PRIMARY - Running with Creativity Across the Primary Curriculum

Primary & Early Years
Following the publication of the DfES Strategy Excellence & Enjoyment, this course offers practical suggestions and guidance in developing creativity across the curriculum. Participants will explore latest research and ideas related to how we can manage time and environments for students – and teachers - to develop their creative potential. The course will be practical and experiential, providing teachers with ‘how –to-do’ activities, with a strong input into planning and assessment issues. The course will be active and collaborative.

PRIMARY - Self-Assessment through Tracking and Monitoring in the Primary School

Primary & Early Years
By using a Tracking Assessment and a monitoring system, a school can draw together a self-assessment that both identifies its strengths and areas for development. Aims of the course: • An update on self-evaluation • Reviewing systems of tracking whole-school assessment • Monitoring throughout the school • School Improvement Plans and self-evaluation • Involving all staff, governors, parents and pupils

PRIMARY - Successful Mathematics in the Foundation Stage and KS1

Primary & Early Years
The course will concentrate on three areas - thinking skills, shape and space, and number. It will provide you with numerous practical, successful and fun activities you can use straight away in the Foundation Stage and at KS1.

Aims of the course:
• To gain a greater understanding of mathematical thinking in the Early Years

• To understand the innate characteristics that pupils have which enable them to do well in mathematic

PRIMARY - The New OfSTED: Focus on Self-Evaluation

Primary & Early Years
This course will benefit colleagues by giving them practical strategies to approach their next inspection with confidence. A heavy emphasis in placed on identifying documentation which draws on the school’s own self-evaluation and the contribution this makes to the inspection process. Advice will be given on completing the new Self Evaluation Form which replaces S1-S4 forms.

PRIMARY - Using Smart Boards at KS 1 & 2

Primary & Early Years
The purpose for this course is to equip and enable teachers, who have little or no previous experience using a Smart Board, to use one with competence and confidence. Each delegate will bring their own laptop and will learn how to use the various aspects of the SMART software. There will be opportunity use a SMART Board, from setting it up and the orientation of the board, to making personal resources relevant to each delegates own teaching. It is vital to receive quality training in order to maximise the potential of a Smart Board.

PRIMARY - Using Whiteboards in Primary Science

Primary & Early Years
The focus of this day course is on Science and how Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) can be used by teachers and children to promote learning and enhance understanding in science at Key stage 1 & 2. Throughout the day we will look at Science examples using the IWB with a range of ICT applications, software and hardware e.g. datalogger and microscope, as well as using the software and resources on the IWB. There will be opportunities throughout the day for discussion of activities which are transferable to all types of IWB.

Pupils with Asperger Syndrome at KS 1 & 2: Identifying & Supporting them.

Primary & Early Years
Those attending this course will leave it able to identify key characteristics and features of Asperger Syndrome in young children who may currently be undiagnosed - and provide information on how best to refer and discuss with parents/carers.

The course will deliver practical teaching and support strategies for working with children who have Asperger Syndrome or some identifying behaviours (whether diagnosed or not).

Reinforcing 'Using & Applying' in Primary Maths

Primary & Early Years
This course addresses Recommendation 9 of the Williams Review into primary mathematics, which supports the continuation of the current curriculum ahead of the Rose Review of the Primary National Curriculum, and asks whether 'use and application' should be more widely used in primary teaching.

So you want to be a Successful Primary Assistant/Deputy Head?

Primary & Early Years
The reality of the leadership role can be both exciting and daunting in terms of both challenge and opportunity. This course uses an eclectic mix of discourse and activity to consider both challenge and opportunity and to offer practical steps to gain success. Consideration of success includes securing a leadership post, then one's impact on pupils, parents, governors, support staff, teaching staff, other members of Leadership and the school's external partners.

Survive and Sparkle in Primary Spanish

Primary & Early Years
The course will equip staff who do not speak Spanish with a basic armoury of classroom language, and show them practical ways of retaining and increasing their knowledge afterwards. Staff with previously unhappy memories of language learning will leave feeling reassured and encouraged.

Teachers with any level of Spanish will have the opportunity to participate in a range of practical, enjoyable activities that can be used immediately in the classroom and easily adapted for use across all contexts and age groups.


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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

Gemini House
136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880