In School/College INSET | Page 3 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Peer Mentoring to Support achievement, pastoral care and all aspects of school life

Learning & Teaching
There is no doubt that peer mentoring supports and inspires students and what often follows is high achievement, real engagement and enjoyment in learning. So how do we make students sparkle? This course explores what peer mentoring can do for students to move from good to outstanding. It will look at practical strategies to maximise the potential ways to stretch, challenge and support students by helping the learners to help themselves.

PLTS in Assignment & Curriculum Planning

Learning & Teaching
The Personal Learning and Thinking Skills have been described as 'the heart of the Diploma'. They represent the transferable skills that Higher Education and employers have identified as essential for success. They are a key element of the Diploma.

This course will encourage you to write projects and assignment briefs that include the most relevant PLTS requirements, and will give your Diploma students skills and attributes beyond the subject or sector content.

Post-16 Student Monitoring & Mentoring

Learning & Teaching
This course examines effective techniques for caring for and support Post-16 students as they begin their transition into independent students, and learn to cultivate their own motivation to fuel them on their way. Delegates will explore how the role of the teacher changes over this period, and how the techniques of coaching and mentoring can be employed to help young people deal with the difficulties they face, be they academic or social.

Questioning: Stop Shooting, Start Fishing

Learning & Teaching
The 'silly' question is the first intimation of some totally new development A.N. Whitehead. This course is designed to enhance the questioning skills of delegates by offering strategies and suggestions that will invigorate practice.

Delegates will be introduced to a variety of thinking, research and practical strategies which enable the development of powerful questioning environments. The day will be a mixture of theoretical and practical engagement.

Recognising & Extending the Underachieving Able

Learning & Teaching
Who is the able underachiever? This course will help delegates to understand more about this issue and develop useful strategies for identifying able children who are, or at risk of, underachieving. The course will also explore the causes of underachievement and offer help in producing a policy and plan for future provision in school. It is intended to be a PRACTICAL DAY looking at both whole school and classroom issues.
Aims of the course are to:
* have a clearer understanding of current thinking about able underachievers

Responding to the Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) framework

Learning & Teaching
The morning session will give delegates a range of practical strategies to support a coherent whole school approach to the implementation and embedding of personal, learning and thinking skills in their institution.

Through the discussion of the benefits and potential problems of various strategies, delegates will be able to identify ideas which will work best in their particular context.

SEAL: Social & Emotional Aspects of Learning: A Whole School Approach

Learning & Teaching
Social and emotional skills are the skills of making positive relationships with other people, of understanding and managing ourselves and our own emotions, thoughts and behaviours. If people have these skills they can then understand and respond to the emotions and behaviour of others in ways that are in the best long term interests of themselves and others.

Setting Up and Running an Inclusion Support Unit

Learning & Teaching
Delegates attending the course will gain a clear insight into how pioneering schools have successfully set up on-site units to reduce exclusion and raise attendance. After completing the training teachers will feel better informed about Government guidelines on setting up of Learning Support Units.

At the end of the course, participants will be confident in producing an action plan to set up and run a successful unit in their school.

Study Skills across the Curriculum: Raising Achievement for Examination Success

Learning & Teaching
The day is designed to give class teachers an opportunity to incorporate study skills in subject lessons, and thus increase the effectiveness of their teaching. Topics covered will relate to raising literacy skills, listening skills, note taking, note making, revision, proof reading and examination techniques. The sessions will enable teachers to provide students with practical help regarding effective study and a positive approach to examinations. The course will be lively and stimulating, with teacher participation an important element in their problem solving structure.

Surviving and Thriving as a NQT

Learning & Teaching
NQTs are the life-blood of the profession, yet currently, 40% of all NQTs leave within the first 5 years of starting the job. The 2 reasons they most commonly give for leaving are;

1. Pupils' poor behaviour

2. Endless bureaucracy such as lesson planning, marking, assessment, etc.

You will leave this course knowing exactly what should and should not happen in an Induction Year and with loads of tips on effective behaviour management and classroom management to ensure you both survive and thrive to become a fully qualified teacher.

Talk as a Tool for Learning: Using the Power of Talk to Unlock Active Learning

Learning & Teaching
Everyone should leave with a better understanding of the skills which need to be taught in order for students to be proficient in communicating in education and life; as well as a wider repertoire of strategies to use in the classroom to encourage purposeful, interactive learning and thereby raise standards.

Aims of the course are to:
* A clear understanding of the skills needed for successful talk and discussion
* Help teachers to establish a classroom climate for talk

Teaching and Learning Styles

Learning & Teaching
The classroom teacher has a vital influence upon attainment and therefore the key to school improvement must be to improve the quality of teaching. This course aims to explore the importance of learning styles, assessment techniques and effective teaching strategies in raising pupil attainment.

Teaching in Another Dimension: Dynamic Classroom Approaches to Globalisation and Sustainable Development

Learning & Teaching
This highly interactive course will give delegates an opportunity to explore in detail the practical aspects of approaching 'the global dimension and sustainable development' cross curricular dimension.

Terrific Tutoring and Academic Mentoring

Learning & Teaching
Delegates will learn usable and tangible tools that can be easily implemented in the classroom and will examine four key areas:
(1) The principles of what makes an effective tutor
(2) Building upon your existing skills of communication; verbal and non-verbal. This CPD day will also cover relationship building strategies; both in terms of the teacher and pupils as well as helping the tutor improve peer relationships within the group
(3) Behaviour management and how to deal with the day to day instances which occur within a tutor group

The Creative Curriculum: New Approaches to Integrated Learning

Learning & Teaching
Delegates will have a clear understanding of the creativity agenda and be equipped to plan creative lessons. The tutor will discuss detailed examples of cross-curricular projects that will inspire delegates to explore the opportunities for collaboration in their own schools.

The Expert Learner

Learning & Teaching
The course is designed to examine what constitutes an expert learner. Delegates will leave the course with a clear understanding of what is needed to create an expert learner - and to incorporate ideas into their teaching and cascade them effectively through the department.

The day will enable you to reflect on the quality of the learning environment and set professional targets to demonstrate outstanding learning. Suzanne will provide you with all the necessary tools and information necessary to ensure OfSTED commends the learning environment as Outstanding.

The Outstanding NQT

Learning & Teaching
By attending this course delegates will come away with a clear understanding of how to plan, deliver and build upon an outstanding lesson. More importantly it will be in such a way that it will recognise national criteria whilst allowing the teacher to make it 'theirs'.

Utilising a variety of techniques delegates will also be shown how to maximise the teaching environment - rather than feel constrained by it - and how to control or 'own' the space.

Think Differently: How Science can Revolutionise Classroom Learning

Learning & Teaching
There is a growing interest within education in neuroscientific research, and what it means for our students and our classrooms. This course will present key concepts in learning, memory, intelligence and motivation. It will deconstruct common learning disabilities (dyslexia, ADHD etc) and address how new research can be applied to teaching and curriculum design.

Thinking Skills & Creative Problem Solving: How to use them in everyday classroom teaching

Learning & Teaching
Thinking, and thinking creatively, is a natural function. So what is it that gets in the way that stops this natural process from working? In a school system in which it is reputed that some teachers ask 90% of the questions and also answer a similar amount, there is a culture which doesn't promote this process.

By looking at the barriers to thinking and then creating ways of removing them we can then look to formulating a system where thinking skills become entwined and an integral part of the curriculum.

Turning Goldfish into Elephants: A toolbox of practical classroom memory improvement strategies to enhance learning and exam revision

Learning & Teaching
This course will enable delegates to learn and develop strategies to improve both school teaching and home learning activities, and will provide a range of materials than can be disseminated to colleagues and students.

At the end of the course delegates will have a basic understanding of how their memory works and will appreciate the importance of memory processes in determining how information is retained by students - and why some teaching methods work better than others.

Using Technology Cost Effectively

Learning & Teaching
For teachers and learners technology can offer savings. Because online resources are widely available they can deliver personalised and differentiated learning cheaply. Their adaptability supports independent learning and in doing so reduces the cost of providing alternative formats and learning support. This flexibility can improve efficiency and sustainability at the same time as being cost-effective.


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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880