In School/College INSET | Page 5 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Safer Recruitment Workshop: The Children's Workforce

This workshop has been designed by the National College of School Leadership as an alternative to the online training which was introduced following the Bichard Report recommendation that all appointment panels should include someone who has received safer recruitment training.

The course can only be delivered by accredited trainers and includes a multiple choice assessment. Successful candidates will be awarded a certificate which OfSTED require to evidence receipt of the training.

School and College Promotion and Media Communication

This course will enable the participant to understand the various channels available for promotion of either their own course within the school or the school in general. It will cover the design and use of materials, finding and creating opportunities for media promotion, effective communication to the media, the legal implications as well as effective use of compact cameras in taking quality photographs.

By the end of the day you will have acquired a list of various contacts and ideas to begin effective promotion of your school.

Shaping Your Future - More Success for the busy Head of Department

The role of head of department is a key area of responsibility in school and demands high levels of holistic vision to ensure success. All too often, busy heads of departments are so totally immersed in the day-to-day battle of balancing pupil needs, staff requirements and limited time, that they are prone to be less effective than they would like to be.

Shaping Your Future: time for promotion?

Preparation for promotion involves taking a holistic view of your leadership potential in order to obtain the best results for the well-being of children, staff and the school. All too often, staff are unprepared for the global dimension of leading self and others towards higher expectations for learning and teaching.

So you want to be a successful Assistant/Deputy Head Teacher ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

One of the most challenging promotions in school is the leap from middle to senior management. From having a specific role within the middle management of the school structure, you suddenly find yourself needing a global overview of the school where you are responsible for many in the vision, leadership and management of learning and teaching.  It is an exciting prospect to both tackle and enjoy. But be careful!

So you Want to be a Successful Head of Department ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

The role, performance and vision of the departmental head are increasingly being recognised and acknowledged as being a key area determining the degree of success of the school. More is being demanded of such post holders both nationally and locally. They will need a vision of whole school needs and will be required to lead and manage the all-important process of learning and teaching. How do we achieve success in this vital area of school life and how can you be a dynamic, effective and successful Head of Department?

So you want to be a Successful Head of Department?

The role, performance and vision of the departmental head is increasingly recognised and acknowledged as being a key area determining the degree of success of a school. This course will help you understand and meet the demands of being an effective leader in the key areas concerning teaching and learning.

Solution Focused Leadership

Solution Focused approaches are rapidly being recognised as one of the most effective approaches to leadership and management at all levels in organisations.

This is a practical one-day course which will result in delegates feeling even more confident in: Engaging & motivating people & teams; Using solution focused approaches as a planning tool; Supporting and facilitating effective goal setting; Providing coaching support to individual colleagues; Creating sustainable change.

Student Course Choice Success

Faced with anything from 20 to 60 A-Levels, plus nearly as many BTECS, it's no surprise students can find choosing the right course(s) for Sixth Form or College difficult. We hope they'll read all the course information carefully and weigh their options thoughtfully. But experience and research tell us many do not and poor post-16 course choice remains the number one cause of drop out and under achievement.

Successful Higher Middle Management

This course will investigate the role of the higher middle manager. Delegates will explore and discuss all aspects of successful faculty practice. Practical tips and advice will be provided to help colleagues become an effective higher middle manager. The issues looked at in detail will be from the tutor’s practical experience in this role for many years against a theoretical background from a Masters in Educational Management.

Successfully Meeting the Needs of Different Groups of Pupils in Your School - A National Conference

It is essential that schools use a range of strategies to raise the achievement of both individual and groups of pupils. The achievement of different groups of pupils has a high profile in OfSTED inspections and is a key factor in judging progress in lessons and over time.

This one day national conference brings together professionals and practitioners who are already addressing successfully the issues of supporting and raising the achievement of different groups of pupils.

Successfully Raising Achievement of Eastern European Roma Pupils Meeting Needs Through High Quality Provision

The number of Roma heritage pupils from Eastern European countries has increased significantly since the enlargement of the European Union in 2005. Exact figures are hard to find as many do not ascribe as Roma. Many schools have had difficulty in engaging with Roma communities and attendance and attainment are often low for this cohort. However, there are pockets of good practice which this course draws upon. This course will offer practical strategies and guidance on how best to engage with the Roma community and meet the needs of these pupils.

Supporting Support Staff through Performance Management

Performance management for support staff is recognised as increasingly important as workforce reform impacts upon their roles and responsibilites. This course develops a process that shares a common approach to that provided for teachers but one which is tailored to the different needs of different groups of support staff in different schools. The course offers approaches and materials to help support individual schools move forward effectively and successfully in delivering total quality performance management.

Target Setting & Tracking for School Improvement

This course will outline how targets are determined at Whole School level and for individual pupils across subject areas. Targets are defined in terms of end of KS3, KS4, AS and A2. Delegates will examine the tracking of achievement by pupils at each key stage and be introduced to the concepts of grade differential and value added ratios.

Teachers into Managers

Many teachers are promoted to responsible management posts in schools because they are good teachers - without receiving any management training. Quite rapidly teachers can move on to become senior and headteachers, leading numerous staff in the process.

Teaching for Learning - Developing a Learning-Centred Classroom

This course will give you over 100 ideas and strategies to use in the classroom. It will be practically based - and draw on examples of good practice developed by the trainer whilst working with teachers across the UK. The latest developments in research on brain-based learning will be outlined, along with techniques you can use in your teaching to make the most of these valuable findings.

Team Building

Delegates will be able to recognise how to motivate their team, run an effective team meeting, create and maintain a Super Team and accomplish insights into the personalities of their team members. They will gain confidence in using their own practical skills when handling difficult interviews with team members, the 'marginal performer' or the 'workaholic'.

The Changing Role of the CPD Co-ordinator in today's schools

The role of the CPD co-ordinator has expanded beyond recognition in the last five years and is still changing. This course aims to examine the breadth of the new role, but is essentially practical and provides a framework for the post-holder to steer a path through the maze of resources available.

The Effective Post 16 Form Tutor

Effective pastoral strategies will be identified and ideas given to support and encourage students' progression to employment and training or further/higher education. Attendees will feel able to draw up their own action plan to develop their role as a sixth form tutor to support learning.

The Highly Effective Head of Year

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

This course will offer practical advice to enhance your effectiveness as a Year Head. The course provides a clear guide to help Heads of Year develop personal and management skills along with their key role in planning for and demonstrating success in school improvement. The training provides clear direction in leading your year group, tutor team and working with parents/support agencies. The course will also review pastoral issues and dealing with common problems. There is advice on developing and planning a pastoral curriculum, systems, policies and procedures.

The Highly-effective Form Tutor

The course examines all aspects of the role of the form tutor. It will enable you to work more effectively with the students in your tutor group helping to create a mutually supportive climate underpinned by highly-effective tutoring.

The course will suggest many ways to organise tutor group activities and how to implement tutorial work within the tutor group with key advice on delivering PSHE and Citizenship.

The New Inspection Framework and Secondary Schools: Preparation, Processes and Outcomes

From September 2009, the new Ofsted inspection framework was introduced with significant changes in key areas of provision and outcomes. It is essential for senior leaders to understand fully the new limiting judgements around safeguarding and equal opportunities as well as the change to the descriptors for attainment, progress and achievement. The use of data to track the progress of different groups and to make judgements on past and current performance is critical before and during the inspection.

The new OfSTED Inspection Framework: from January 2012

This course will explain the new OfSTED framework, to be introduced from January 2012, in order to help you plan for your next inspection. Using the latest information available, it will give you a clear understanding of the framework, its key points and advice on how to prepare fully for the next visit of inspectors.

The Outward Facing School: Engaging your Community

This course is a learning, developing delegates' ability to understand the implications of the 21st century outward facing school. The day will lead you through a development of your understanding, knowledge and thinking about community engagement to support young people in achieving.

The Parent Agenda: everything you ever wanted to know about fostering positive relationships with parents

By attending this course you will learn effective strategies for both developing and improving relationships with all parents, not just those who are difficult to reach.

You will be able to use a range of techniques and ideas to engage disinterested parents, to support needy parents, to gain the support of demanding or confrontational parents and feel more confident in working with influential parents such as parent governors.


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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880