In School/College INSET | Page 2 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

GCSE Maths: Making Statistics Meaningful

The use of statistics is pervasive in the media and many occupations and the GCSE Statistics course aims to reflect this breadth and relevance. The course will provide practical teaching advice and materials for use in the classroom and will cover all the main topic areas of the specification, focusing on topics outside GCSE Mathematics.

GCSE Statistics: A Wealth of Teaching Approaches: The New Specifications

The use of statistics is pervasive in the media and in many occupations and the GCSE Statistics course aims to reflect this breadth and relevance. The course will provide practical teaching advice and materials for use in the classroom and will cover all the main topic areas of the specification, focusing on topics outside GCSE Mathematics.

This CPD day will cover both the Edexcel and AQA specifications being introduced for first teaching in September 2009 (first examination June 2011), including the new controlled assessment component.

Getting Going with Autograph

Delegates should go away feeling more confident to incorporate Autograph into their lesson plans. They will be more confident that their teaching will, as a result, be more effective and more enjoyable.

Attenders will be expected to bring a laptop, to ensure hands-on experience. The latest version of Autograph will be available to install if required (NB: some school laptops will require Administrator privileges for this).

Getting Maths to Add Up

This ground-breaking workshop examines startling research that shows how retained childhood relexes have a direct effect on your students' ability to conceptualise, concentrate and mesmorise. Delegates are shown a movement programe that has prieviousely moved year 9 foundation students from level 2/3 to level 4/5 in 12 weeks and changed their attitudes towards maths forever..

Graphical Calculators for Beginners at Key Stage 3

Time will be given during each session for delegates to consider how each topic covered can be used in the maths curriculum, to share ideas and to write resources linked to the graphical calculator. During session 3 we will also investigate how the internet - together with the graphical calculator - can be used to broaden and enrich the mathematical experience of the more able pupil.

Graphical Calculators for Beginners at Key Stage 4

Time will be given during each session for delegates to consider how each topic covered can be used in the maths curriculum, to share ideas and to write resources linked to the graphical calculator.

Hands-on ICT training for Maths Teachers: How to get the best from your ICT resources

'Knowledge and use of ICT appears to vary . . .' was recently quoted from an ACME report on the state of mathematics teaching, which proceeded to note that: 'It is clear that a major task will be to encourage highquality in-service training on the use of ICT packages and Interactive Whiteboards'

This course will provide teachers with the necessary skills to make effective use of a wide variety of resources in all areas of the curriculum - as well as essential IT techniques that can help these resources 'sing and dance'.

INSPIREmaths: Key Stage 3

A highly practical course which is a mixture of presentation and 'hands-on'. It will offer a stimulating approach to teaching mathematical creative thinking, enquiry and process skills. The day will offer numerous activities, investigations and novel ideas to develop higher order mathematical skills - problem solving, communicating and reasoning. This is a day for maths teachers who 'aspire to inspire' and even excite their students about maths and the mathematical processes involved.

Inspiring and 'Attention Grabbing' Practical Maths Teaching for Your Reluctant KS 2 & 3 Pupils!

The outcome of this lively, inspiring and highly-practical day will be that delegates will feel more confident and empowered to deliver engaging and enriched maths teaching to their KS 2 & 3 pupils, especially those normally difficult to engage and inspire.

Interactive Mathematics Teaching and Learning at Key Stages 3 & 4 plus Levels 1 & 2 in Further Education

OfSTED reports on observations made during inspections often criticise maths teachers for creating environments in which mostly 'passive' learning is taking place. This course will provide teachers with a variety of 'high-tech' and 'low-tech' activity-based-approaches to all areas of the curriculum and help you integrate different learning styles into schemes of work.

Interactive Mathematics Teaching and Learning at Advanced Level

OfSTED reports on observations made during inspections often criticise maths teachers for creating environments in which mostly 'passive' learning is taking place. This course will provide teachers with a variety of 'high-tech' and 'low-tech' activity-based-approaches to all areas of the A-Level curriculum that integrate different learning styles into schemes of work.

Interactive Mathematics Teaching and Learning at GCSE

OfSTED reports on observations made during inspections often criticise maths teachers for creating environments in which mostly 'passive' learning is taking place.
This course will provide teachers with a variety ('hightech' and 'low-tech') of 'activity based approaches' to all areas of the curriculum that integrate different learning styles into schemes of work rather than regarding mathematics as a series of techniques to learn by rote.

Interactive Mathematics Teaching at Higher and Advanced Higher Levels

Mathematics teachers are often criticised for creating environments in which mostly 'passive' learning is taking place.
This course will provide teachers with a variety of 'hightech' and 'low-tech' activity-based approaches to all areas of the curriculum that integrate different learning styles into curriculum delivery - rather than simply regarding mathematics as a series of techniques to learn by rote.

Introducing Mathematics in the International Baccalaureate

The course will begin with a brief overview of the IB Diploma and the mathematics curriculum within the IB. An important component of the assessment in the Diploma is the Portfolio of investigation and modelling tasks.

A major part of this workshop will explore effective use of tasks that fit the Portfolio criteria.

KS3 and GCSE Maths and Data Handling: "Hands-on" Autograph Training.

This course is aimed at Teachers of Mathematics at KS3 and GCSE (all levels) from novice to experienced computer users. The inset will focus on the practical use of tools, rather than focus on complicated 'technical' issues. The training will suit open-minded delegates that are prepared to consider innovative and effective approaches to the teaching of maths that technology now makes possible.

Leading a Dynamic Maths Department


The course will examine the different leadership styles available and how you can use these to get the best from your team. We will look at how best to communicate your vision to your team and the pupils in your care. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss workload and there are suggestions on time management and how paperwork need not be a problem. There will be time to consider writing a SEF and preparing for OfSTED.

Mathematics 11-16: Improve your Teaching by Using Technology Effectively

The course will provide ready to use classroom ICT resources across a wide range of mathematical topics in Key Stages 3 & 4 and using a variety of software. Materials require at least a data projector to be available in the classroom and many of the activities can be enhanced by the use of an interactive whiteboard.

Maths and Special Needs

Back by popular demand, this fascinating course is endlessly useful for teachers of pupils with special needs of any sort in any setting (from lower attaining pupils in mainstream schools to whatever special provision you want to name). If your pupils are in any way special then this is the course for you.

Maths Learning Difficulties and Dyscalculia - Causes and Interventions: Making Maths Match the Learner

Delegates will be introduced to the many factors that singly or together contribute to failure and underachievement in maths, including the problem of dyscalculia.
The second half of this CPD course looks at how the maths curriculum can be adapted to meet the needs of these vulnerable learners - without compromising the integrity of the subject.

NUMERACY ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: Giving Whole School Numeracy Impact

The use of number pervades all areas of the curriculum and success in Mathematics has become such an important factor for schools and their league table standing. Numeracy coordinators, Maths and senior leaders must demonstrate a coordinated approach to the development of numeracy within mathematics and across the curriculum to raise standards and achievement levels.

Planning and Teaching Outstanding Mathematics Lessons for EAL pupils using the Interactive Whiteboard

In our multicultural and multilingual classrooms it is increasingly challenging for teachers to plan and teach the curriculum content to pupils who speak English as an Additional Language. It is crucial that teaching and learning matches pupils' cognitive abilities rather than their current linguistic abilities, particularly in mathematics - a subject in which EAL students can excel.

Post 16 Mathematics: Teaching C1 & C2 Effectively

The course will provide practical teaching advice and materials for use in the classroom and will cover all the main topic areas of the C1 and C2 specifications for all the Awarding Bodies. It will show how ICT can be integrated effectively and how the study of different topics can be motivated by their relevance to the real world

Post 16 Maths: Teaching Edexcel M1 & S1 Successfully

Applied mathematics aims to describe or model aspects of the real world mathematically. The course focus is on the principles, assumptions and basic techniques in mechanics and statistics, to develop a coherent understanding of these modules and how they relate to the AS Core modules.

Practical Activities in Maths with an Art Focus

This course is designed to help teachers quickly become skilled at delivering artistic activities that can be used to meet the requirements of the maths curriculum at Key Stage 3. Being good at art is not a requirement! These activities are particularly useful to reach the kinaethetic learners within the classroom; these pupils may have difficulty with abstract concepts without the opportunity to have a hands-on approach.

PRIMARY: INSPIREmaths at Key Stage 2

This highly-practical course is a mixture of presentation and 'hands-on', that will halp you provide a stimulating approach to teaching mathematical creative thinking, enquiry and process skills. The day will offer numerous activities, investigations and novel ideas to develop higher order mathematical creative thinking, enquiry and process skills: problem solving, communicaing and reasoning in Key Stage 2. This is a training day for maths teachers who 'aspire to inspire' - and even excite - their students about maths and the matematical processes involved.


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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880