In School/College INSET | Page 4 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Selectively Mute Pupils: Pupils Who Can Speak But Don't.

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

Persistent failure to communicate affects pupil's educational, social and emotional development and creates high anxiety for both families and professionals. When children converse freely at home - but not in other situations such as school - the term "selective mutism" can be used to describe their behaviour.

So you want to be a successful Assistant/Deputy Head Teacher ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

One of the most challenging promotions in school is the leap from middle to senior management. From having a specific role within the middle management of the school structure, you suddenly find yourself needing a global overview of the school where you are responsible for many in the vision, leadership and management of learning and teaching.  It is an exciting prospect to both tackle and enjoy. But be careful!

So you Want to be a Successful Head of Department ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

The role, performance and vision of the departmental head are increasingly being recognised and acknowledged as being a key area determining the degree of success of the school. More is being demanded of such post holders both nationally and locally. They will need a vision of whole school needs and will be required to lead and manage the all-important process of learning and teaching. How do we achieve success in this vital area of school life and how can you be a dynamic, effective and successful Head of Department?

Student Monitoring & Mentoring to Enhance Personalised Learning: Pastoral Leaders

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
In recent years pastoral leaders have found that their role has changed. They are now more involved in students' learning and attainment, with less emphasis on behaviour management. This requires the development of new skills including, for example, making use of predictive data. This course examines the contribution that monitoring and mentoring can make to raising attainment - through the use of a coaching model.

It also looks at strategies to avoid being drawn into the fire-fighting roles of the past and looks at ways of managing and supporting colleagues.

Student Voice

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This is a practical, "hands on" course that will enable you to begin - or develop - your consultation process with your students. The issues for consultation that will benefit all staff will be identified. Some of the more contentious issues, and findings from the tutors' work with students, will be shared. At the forefront of our agenda is school improvement. Schools who consult young people will develop a stong sense of membership and partnership, with opportunity for dialogue and support. To enhance our learning we need to enable young people to take an active part in their education.

Surviving and Thriving as a Relatively New Cover Supervisor

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
The reforms brought in by the re-modelling of the teaching workforce have put large numbers of colleagues who have had no formal training on managing a classroom environment in front of whole classes of pupils. This course focuses on the absolute basics and provides practical strategies to manage classrooms full of pupils, many of whom may be there reluctantly. Colleagues attending this course will leave with hundreds of simple strategies that can be applied the very next day to make their lessons more effective for pupils' learning, and less stressful for them.

The Attraction of Alcohol, Drugs, Guns, Knives and Gangs

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Many young people in this country are in crisis. The continuing rise in negative behaviour adversely affects their ability to attend, behave or learn in school. An alarming rise in deaths of young people from guns and knives since 2007 shows no sign of abating, fuelled by the increasing number of gangs and the gang culture.

This course looks at all negative behaviour: bullying, cyber bullying, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, risky and inappropriate relationships, gangs, gun and knife crime as well as young people's mental health.

The Effective Pastoral Leader

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
The role of the pastoral leader is focused on supporting teaching and learning. All pupils need to be clear about their current progress and the attainment targets set for them. The OfSTED Framework makes explicit reference to the five outcomes from the 'Every Child Matters' underlining the importance of pupil care and well-being. How should school pastoral teams address the critical agenda?

The Essential Role of Today's Form Tutor

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Most teachers are required to undertake a pastoral role in their school - often as a form tutor or deputy form tutor. It is often the case that this important area of work is not comprehensively covered in initial teacher training. This course provides a clear overview of the roles, skills and responsibilities of form tutors. Participants will reflect on the different ways that schools have developed this role - and the course will include practical interactive exercises, group discussion and tutor input.
* Describe and clarify the various roles a form tutor will undertake.

The Gender Agenda: Girls & Boys - Equal but Different

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This course will supply up-to-date research evidence on how the brain is gendered and how this affects development and learning.

It will consider how this impacts on educational outcomes and how, in turn, we can address these differences in order to make education and schools more gender friendly, helping boys and girls to achieve their full potential.

The Highly Effective Head of Year

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

This course will offer practical advice to enhance your effectiveness as a Year Head. The course provides a clear guide to help Heads of Year develop personal and management skills along with their key role in planning for and demonstrating success in school improvement. The training provides clear direction in leading your year group, tutor team and working with parents/support agencies. The course will also review pastoral issues and dealing with common problems. There is advice on developing and planning a pastoral curriculum, systems, policies and procedures.

The Implications of Parental Pressure & its Effect on Student Behaviour

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Learn the effects that parental pressure puts on pupils and teaching staff. How pupils are affected, how to combat these pressures. Learn how under-performance and classroom disruption can be resolved. Gain understanding on the ways parents can pressure a school and teaching staff.
The importance of early intervention with effective communication skills and de-escalation techniques will be studied in depth, these lead to positive interaction between parents, the pupil and the school.

Aims of the course are to:

The Realist's Guide to Working as a Cover Supervisor

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Delegates will be introduced to a range of strategies to manage, engage and motivate individual pupils and whole classes. They will be offered techniques for dealing with some of the most common classroom management issues that Cover Supervisors face.

The course will discuss how the wide range of types of cover work that teachers set can be delivered to appeal to potentially reluctant pupils and classes, and some of the other problems that the nature of the job of "Cover Supervisor" exposes colleagues to.

Understanding & Helping Pupils Who Self Harm

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
There has been a sharp rise in pupils in secondary education who deliberately damage their skin. Why is this happening? Who is in danger? What are the danger signs? What form can it take? These will be extensively covered and guidance on proven methods of help will be given which will decrease and stop the behaviour. This course is essential for those who have pupils who self-harm in their care. This course is suitable for Head Teachers, Year Heads, all teaching staff, School Counsellors, School Nurses, Learning Mentors, Pastoral staff, School Matrons and Welfare Officers.

Working with Disruptive or Disaffected Pupils

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
The rates of depression, self-harm, suicide, alcohol, drugs, obesity, stress, truancy and teenage pregnancy are rising. Many children are having to handle family breakdown. Many schools are in the headlines with incidents of bullying, disruptive behaviour and even murder. Whilst we may understand and empathise with many of the reasons for disruptive behaviour, we still need to keep a secure and safe learning environment in our schools. We cannot achieve this unless we have the skills to manage disruptive behaviour.

Young People's Mental Health

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This course offers a basic understanding of core mental health conditions in pupils including: depression, phobias, eating disorders, the impact of bereavement, and anxiety.

It provides an introduction to core support skills to use with your vulnerable students - and illustrates the positive role teachers and pastoral staff can have in building confidence, self-esteem and resilience.

Your Mind Matters: Be Positively Pastoral

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This course concentrates on what makes an effective pastoral leader and how to develop these skills. This course is organised into four sections; the first focuses on the qualities necessary to lead and manage a successful tutor team. The second focuses on the academic monitoring & tracking of pupil progress across the curriculum and the year. The next session deals with the skills necessary to mediate effectively between challenging pupils and staff; conflict resolution and restorative justice.

Developing the Independent Learner at Post 16

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
We ascribe a level of maturity and an ability to study
independently on students in the post-16 phase which they find
difficulty in attaining. For many students time management is
difficult and they lack the necessary skills to r esearch and plan
their work.

Mental Health Awareness for Teachers and Support Staff working with 16-19 Students

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

This programme is aimed at staff at all levels working in FE and Sixth

Form settings: staff working in teaching, support or front of house roles.


It is an inter-active course, covering many of the key skills and

knowledge that teachers and support staff working with (or

approached by) students need to know.


This training day includes:

• An overview of mental health issues particularly prevalent within

the 16-19 age group

• How to offer practical support to students

So you Want to be a Successful Head of Department ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

The role, performance and vision of the departmental head are increasingly being recognised and acknowledged as being a key area determining the degree of success of the school. More is being demanded of such post holders both nationally and locally. They will need a vision of whole school needs and will be required to lead and manage the all-important process of learning and teaching. How do we achieve success in this vital area of school life and how can you be a dynamic, effective and successful Head of Department?

Pupils Who Can Speak But Do Not - Working With Selective Mutism

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools
Persistent failure to communicate affects pupils’ educational, social and emotional development and creates high anxiety for both families and professionals. When children converse freely at home - but not in other situations such as school - the term ‘selective mutism’ can be used to describe their behaviour.

Selectively Mute Pupils: Pupils Who Can Speak But Don't.

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

Persistent failure to communicate affects pupil's educational, social and emotional development and creates high anxiety for both families and professionals. When children converse freely at home - but not in other situations such as school - the term "selective mutism" can be used to describe their behaviour.

So you Want to be a Successful Head of Department ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

The role, performance and vision of the departmental head are increasingly being recognised and acknowledged as being a key area determining the degree of success of the school. More is being demanded of such post holders both nationally and locally. They will need a vision of whole school needs and will be required to lead and manage the all-important process of learning and teaching. How do we achieve success in this vital area of school life and how can you be a dynamic, effective and successful Head of Department?


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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

Gemini House
136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880