Teaching Assistants and EAL: Meeting the Demands of your Role Effectively supporting students learning English as an Additional Language | Lighthouse Professional Development

Teaching Assistants and EAL: Meeting the Demands of your Role Effectively supporting students learning English as an Additional Language

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The Teaching Assistant (TA) plays an essential role in the drive to raise standards in schools. In addition to the support provided for students with learning difficulties and disabilities, the TA may also be required to support groups of students for whom English is an additional language (EAL) both in whole class and small group teaching and learning situations. Those supporting EAL students are at the forefront of removing barriers to learning and inclusion. Addressing the needs of students from a diverse range of ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, with different abilities, experiences and levels of proficiency in English is a significant challenge. In order to enable students to ‘catch up’ with their peers, fully access the curriculum and achieve their full potential, TAs need to employ a range of strategies which effectively promote language learning within the mainstream context.

Who should attend?
Primary & Secondary School Teaching Assistants.


9:30Arrival, registration and coffee11:15Coffee
10:00Successfully Identifying the Needs of EAL Learners
  • Factors in determining need: languages, countries of origin and individual needs
  • Language development and its impact on academic progress
  • Managing the admission of new arrivals: your role as TA
12:00Effectively supporting and assessing EAL learners within the classroom (i)
  • Creating a stress-free EAL learning environment
  • Supporting and assessing students’ understanding of subject specific language: practical strategies for TAs
  13:00Restaurant Lunch
10:45Effectively Supporting the Needs of EAL Learners Outside the Classroom
  • In-class support vs. withdrawal support: exploring the options
  • Induction withdrawal programmes for EAL students: practical guidance
  • Your role in promoting inclusion across the school
14:00Effectively supporting and assessing EAL Learners within the classroom (ii)
  • Supporting and assessing students’ use of subject specific language: A range of collaborative activities to promote talk
  15:30Effectively Supporting EAL: 10 Strategies for Success
  15:45Evaluations and Close of Course

Sue L

Sue works as a PGCE Tutor at the Institute of Education, London. She also works independently as a consultant providing advice, guidance, support and training for local authorities, schools and organisations on ways in which they can promote inclusion and develop provision for pupils learning English as an Additional Language (EAL). Previously, Sue has worked as a consultant with the Becta Advisory Service to Academies and as an EMA Advisory Teacher for an Ethnic Minority Achievement Service in London.

Suitable for: 
Preparatory/Primary, Senior/Secondary, Special Schools
Scheduled Events, In-school Training

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